Faith A Daring Confidence

Martin Luther a divine work within us. It transforms us and gives us a new birth wrought by God (Jn 1:13). It slays the old Adam, makes us entirely different people in heart, spirit, mind, and all powers, and brings with it the Holy Spirit. Oh, a living, energetic active, mighty thing is this faith. It is impossible for it not to do good incessantly....

Faith is a living, daring confidence in the grace of God. It is so certain that a man would die for it a thousand times over. This confidence and knowledge of divine grace makes a person happy, bold, and of high spirits in his relation to God and all His creatures. The Holy Spirit creates this attitude in faith.

Source: Quoted in Ewald M. Plass, What Luther Says, A Practical In-home Theology for the Active Christian. St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House. 1959 Edition, 10th Printing (1994), p. 498-499.