Faith Trusts God's Word Over Reason

Martin Luther

I always say that faith should have nothing before it but the Word and should bear anything but sophistry and speculation; otherwise it cannot remain and be sustained. For human wisdom and reason can rise no higher and get no farther than to judge and conclude as they see before their eyes and as they feel or apprehend with their senses.

But faith must conclude above and against such feeling and understanding and must cling to what is placed before it by the Word. Faith cannot do this in the power of reason and human ability. This is the work of the Holy Spirit in the heart. Otherwise, if faith could comprehend spiritual matters by reason or could be expected to determne and conclude what harmonizes with reason or what does not, both faith and the Holy Spirit would be wholly unnecessary.

Source: Quoted in Ewald M. Plass, What Luther Says, A Practical In-home Theology for the Active Christian. St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House. 1959 Edition, 10th Printing (1994).