A High-priced Ransom

Martin Luther

The phrases “Son of God,” “loved me,” and “gave himself for me” are lightning and thunder from heaven against the idea that we are saved by good works. Our will and understanding contained such great wickedness, error, darkness, and ignorance that we could be freed only by an exceedingly high-priced ransom.

Why do we think that our human reason is naturally inclined to the best and can correctly lead us? Why do we think each person should do as much as they can? Why do we bring our terrible sins, which are mere straw, to an angry God, whom Moses calls “a raging fire”? Why do we want to haggle with God, trying to exchange our stubble for grace and eternal life?

....There’s so much evil in our nature that the world and all creation can’t reconcile us to God. God’s Son had to be offered for our sins. But consider the price of this ransom carefully.

Look at Christ, who was captured and offered for you. He is infinitely greater than and superior to anything else in creation. How will you respond when you hear that such a priceless ransom was offered for you? Do you still want to bring God your own good works? What is that compared to Christ’s work? He shed his most precious blood for your sins.

Source: Quoted in Faith Alone: A Daily Devotional, p. 121.  James C. Galvin. Zondervan (2009).