Faith Swallows Death

Martin Luther

Israel’s words give us a beautiful example of true faith. When Israel died, he didn’t have any doubts. Rather, because of his strong and unwavering faith, he stated, “God will be with you.” His faith shows that even though he is dead, he still lives. He went to his grave trusting God and his promises. This kind of faith swallows up death.

Mere knowledge of what God has done would never be enough to stand up against death and hell in times of trial. The devil himself possesses that kind of knowledge. But true faith, which believes God’s Word and trusts that his promises will come true, gives glory to God and acknowledges that he is trustworthy. This kind of faith defies and conquers death. As Paul says, “Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?”(1 Corinthians 15:55). Even though death swallows us up, we will return again to light and life.

When I’m talking about faith, I’m not talking about merely acknowledging that something is true. That kind of faith doesn’t place any confidence in what God says. It merely states, “Christ’s suffering and death are historical facts.” Genuine faith, however, confesses, “I believe that Christ suffered and died for me. I have no doubts about this, and I rest in this faith. I can depend on God’s Word to help me fight against sin and death.”

We need to be reminded of Scripture passages such as these. They show us the examples of believers who, by their unwavering faith, showed us the way. We should learn to follow and imitate their faith so that we too may proclaim, “I am baptized and saved. I will die in this faith. Any further troubles I have won’t make me abandon my faith.”

Source: Quoted in Faith Alone: A Daily Devotional, p. 104.  James C. Galvin. Zondervan (2009).