The Judge as Savior

Martin Luther

How can Judgment Day and dying be terrible to such a heart? Who will harm the man when the great God and Savior, Jesus Christ, to whom the Day of Judgment belongs, is on his side and stands before him with all His glory, greatness, majesty, and might? None other will hold court on the Day of Judgment than He who gave Himself for us. He will certainly not deny Himself but will declare that He gave Himself for your sins, as you believe. What, then, will sin do when the Judge declares that He Himself has taken it away? Who will accuse you? Who will judge the Judge? Who will overcome Him? He avails more than innumerable worlds with all their sins. Had He not given Himself, but something else for you, one would still expect much of Him. But now, since He has given Himself for you, what can terrify you? He Himself would have to be condemned before sin could condemn him for whom He gave Himself.

Oh, here is great, sure security. It only depends on the strength and firmness of our faith. Christ will certainly not waver. He is firm enough. Therefore we should diligently cultivate our faith and exercise it with preaching, working, and suffering. Then it becomes confirmed and strong.

Source: Quoted in Ewald M. Plass, What Luther Says, A Practical In-home Theology for the Active Christian. St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House. 1959 Edition, 10th Printing (1994), p. 699.