Atoning Wonder

Upon a hill, where shadows creep,
A crown of thorns, a wound so deep.
The Son of God, in mortal guise,
Forgives the world, forgives our lies.

The weight of sin, a crushing tide,
On him it falls, where none could hide.
A perfect life, a love untold,
A sacrifice to mend the fold.

The earth cries out, the heavens weep,
As innocence suffers, sorrows sleep.
But from that pain, a promise rings,
Redemption's dawn on fragile wings.

The veil is torn, the path made clear,
Through love's embrace, dispelling fear.
No longer bound by ancient sin,
A chance to rise, a chance to begin.

So let us walk in grateful stride,
With hearts transformed, where mercy's tide
Washes away the stains of night,
By Christ's atonement, bathed in light.