No Condemnation (Rom. 8)

Freed from flesh, no longer bound,
By sin's harsh law, on conquered ground.
The Spirit's life, a living breeze,
Through Christ's own work, our spirits please.

No condemnation -- no sting remains,
For in Christ's light, forgiveness reigns.
He lived his life, the law fulfilled,
His perfect blood, for sin was spilled.

The Spirit's hand, a guiding star,
Transforms our steps, with flesh at war.
No longer chained to earthly things,
But children led by love that sings.

Creation groans, a world in pain,
It aches for peace, for cleansing rain.
We too, with hope, for freedom yearn,
Our life of sonship, lessons to learn.

Through fiery trials, burdens borne,
We're shaped and molded, weary and worn.
The Spirit's voice, a comforting sigh,
"You are God's child, apple of His eye."

No mountain high, nor ocean vast,
Can sever love that binds us fast.
In Christ embraced, a sacred hold,
His love endures, our lives unfold.

Though doubt may whisper, shadows creep,
His promises are wide and deep.
With joyful hope, our spirits soar,
His love our compass, evermore.

So let us walk, with courage true,
Invested with His strength anew.
With open hearts, and voices bold,
We share His love, a story told.