Praise the Lord, O My Soul
(Ps. 103)

O soul, arise, in praises sing,
Bless the Lord, the heavenly King.
Forget not His gifts to thee,
His love that sets your spirit free.

The dawn awakes, a gentle call,
Hymns of thanks rise above all.
Let every fiber, every beat,
With grateful song the Lord entreat.

He crowns you with unfailing grace,
A tender light upon your face.
Your burdens melt, your fears take flight,
As mercy's wings embrace the night.

He heals the wounds that pierce and mar,
The unseen scars, both near and far.
He lifts your spirit, bowed and low,
With steadfast love that helps you grow.

He ransoms life from death's dark hold,
Forgives your sins, a story told
Of boundless grace that sets you free,
Unchained from what used to be.

His goodness fills your cup to brim,
A joyful song, a vibrant hymn.
He satisfies your yearning deep,
With blessings that forever keep.

Like eagles strong, with wings spread wide,
My soul finds strength, He is on my side.
So trust in Him, your spirit’s filled,
A youthful vigor, a soul that’s thrilled

The Lord is just, in all He does,
Compassion flows in endless streams.
He remembers we are but dust,
A fleeting bloom, so quickly crushed.

But God's great love, a constant flame,
Burns ever bright, beyond all blame.
A promise whispered, soft and true,
For those who fear and love Him too.

So raise your voice, let anthems ring,

Of endless grace the Psalmist sings.

Let every breath, a thankful prayer,

Ascend to Him, who shows such care